Wednesday, July 23, 2008

On the move again...

So, it's been a while since I've been on here, so I'll update you on what has been going on here. It has been a month or so now that I have been working in the bone marrow unit here in Dallas and I have learned so much. I am beginning to really enjoy my job, now that I am getting to know the people I work with. They have been so helpful. They past few days that I have worked, I have been as busy or busier with my 2-3 patients than I was with my 6 at St. Thomas. At times it gets a little stressful, but time can go by really fast. I'm enjoying working days now, it's nice to feel like I can have a life outside of work without having to give up my sleep time. So, here are a few things that I have learned so far...

  1. auto (using your own stem-cells) transplants make the patient smell like creamed corn because of the stuff used to preserve the cells while waiting for the transplant. The person usually smells like corn for a couple of days.
  2. doctors are not as intimidating as I thought they were now that I see them everyday, and I'm not waking them up in the middle of the night (one doctor sees all the patients for an entire month, then they switch and the next doctor sees all the patients on our unit)
  3. babies as young as a few weeks old can get a stem cell transplant, we have a 6 month old that just had one a few weeks ago.

There are so many other things that I have learned, but it's late and I can't think at the moment.

So, an update on my nursing license. I received my temporary license this past weekend!!! Praise God!!! No more stressing about that. It is really nice not having that to worry about any more.

My sister just bought her house so we have spent the last couple of days painting. I enjoy it, but man am I sore. I'm very happy for them, it's a nice house and everyone has their own space. I have been very blessed being able to live with them. I'll be with them until I find a place of my own, which leads me to the next big thing going on here. I'm calling a realtor tomorrow and am going to start looking for a place of my own. There is one house for sell right down the road from where my sister is living, so who knows, we could end up being neighbors. I'm excited to start looking, I'm ready to have a place of my own.

Well, I guess that's about it for now, I'm beat. We have another whole day of painting ahead of up tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope you all are doing well.


Becky said...

great update! yay on the license! good luck looking for a place!!:)